I want to start this Afriterra blog talking about the week in which Afriterra Foundation will open its doors and welcome anyone to see our exhibits. As our founder and Executive Director, Dr. Gerald Rizzo, states: “Afriterra embraces a non-profit mission to gather and preserve the cartographic record of Africa, enabling a broader interpretation of the land and its history.”
Scheduled between Sunday, November 15 to Sunday, November 22, 2015, this exhibit is titled “Before Mandela: The Cartographic View of South Africa, 1513-1918.”
On Thursday, November 19 from 5:30 pm to 8 pm, Afriterra also will host the monthly meeting of The Boston Map Society.
Several maps from South Africa will be on display: from the 1513 map by Martin Waldseemuller to the 1686 by Vincenzo Coronelli, to some of the Dutch East India Company, some of Frederick A. Jeppe, and some other by the British agencies such as Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (HMSO) and from The Times Atlas. All maps are significative and represent the history of South Africa at that time.
Most of the exploration of this part of the world starts from the colonial exploitation of the resources of Africa and its people: South Africa is no different. However, what is important to note is that the cartography of South Africa represents the activities of the different ethnic groups and is represented at its highest level by the history of the life of Nelson Mandela. The exhibit will show a map of the place, Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was held prisoner for about 18 years.
This Afriterra activity is part of the International Map Year 2015-2016. Here is a complete list of events that celebrate the International Map Year.
Congratulations on the Opening of David Rumsey Map Center/Exhibit
On Tuesday, April 19th, from 6-7 pm, the David Rumsey Map Center and the Exhibit “A Universe of Maps,” will be opening to the public